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About GokulBhajan:

Gokul Bhajan & Vedic Studies is a 501(c) Non-Profit organization dedicated to engaging families in devotional life focused on Lord Krishna. We follow the teachings of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the six goswamis of the Sri Brahma Madhva Gaudiya Sampradaya. Our independent organization runs flagship prison ministry and community service programs, impacting the lives of over 1700 inmates.

Classes will commence on Wednesday, September 27th and continue every Wednesday through November 29th. Class times are from 5-6pm ET.

1September 27Introduction to PythonLearn the basics of Python, including variables, data types, operators, and control flow statements.Create a simple program that greets the user.
2October 4Modules and LibrariesLearn how to use modules and libraries to extend the functionality.Create a program that uses the math module to calculate the area of a circle.
3October 11VariablesLearn how to declare and use variables.Create a program that stores the user;s name and age in variable. + Extra functionality
4October 18User InputLearn how to get input from the user.Create a program that asks the user for their name and age, and then prints out a greeting.
5October 25If StatementsLean how to use if statements to control the flow of the program.Create a program that checks if the user is older than 18, and then prints out a message accordingly.
6November 1LoopsLearn how to use loops to repeat code.Create a program that prints out the numbers from 1-10. + GUI
7November 8ListsLearn how to use lists to store multiple items.Create a program that stored a list of the user’s favorite foods.
8November 15FunctionsLearn how to create and use functions.Create a function that calculates the area of a square.
9November 22ClassesLearn how to create and use classes.Create a python class that represents a dog. + Image GUI
10November 29ProjectsWork on projects to apply what you have learnt.Create a tic-tac-toe game. + GUI if we have time.